글로벌 주식

미국, 영국 및 유럽 시장에서 가장 인기 있는 주식을 거래하세요.
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글로벌 주식

애플, 테슬라, 구글, 알리바바 등 다양한 글로벌 대형 기업의 주가 변동을 통해 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 우리가 일반적으로 알고 있는 주식 거래라 함은 해당 기업의 주식을 구매하여 실제적으로 소유하게 되는 형태로 주식의 가격이 올랐을 때에만 이득을 얻게 됩니다.

반면 CFD 거래는 주식을 소유하지 않은 상태에서 가격의 움직임을 예측하게 되며 주식 가격의 상승(매수) 또는 하락(매도)을 통해 이득을 얻게 됩니다. 이런 방식의 거래를 차액 정산 거래(CFD) 라고 합니다. 에임스캡(AIMSCAP)은 주식CFD 상품을 제공합니다.

주식 거래 세션(현지 거래 시간): 미국 주식: 오전 9시 30분 ~ 오후 4시 영국 및 EU 주식: 오전 8시 ~ 오후 4시 30분

* 서머타임의 경우 미국 시장 시간은 3월 둘째 주 일요일에서 11월 첫째 주 일요일로 1시간 앞당겨집니다.

* 서머타임의 경우 영국 및 유럽 시장 시간은 3월 마지막 일요일에서 10월 마지막 일요일로 1시간 앞당겨집니다.

자세히 알아보기

에임스캡(AIMSCAP)에서 주식을 거래하는 이유

우리의 목표는 탁월한 트레이딩 경험을 제공하여 트레이더의 성공을 돕는 것입니다.

#ADBE US Shares Adobe Systems Incorporated USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AMZN US Shares Amazon.com Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#APPL US Shares Apple Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AVP US Shares Avon Products Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AXP US Shares American Express Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BA US Shares Boeing Co USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BABA US Shares Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BAC US Shares Bank of America Corp USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BIDU US Shares Baidu Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BK US Shares Bank of New York Mellon USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BNFT US Shares Benefitfocus Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#C US Shares Citigroup Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CAT US Shares Caterpillar Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CAT US Shares CME Group Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CRM US Shares Salesforce.com Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CSCO US Shares Cisco Systems Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CVX US Shares Chevron Corp USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DIS US Shares Walt Disney Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DWDP US Shares DowDuPont Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#EA US Shares Electronic Arts Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#EBAY US Shares eBay Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#EXPE US Shares Expedia Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#FB US Shares Facebook Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#FDX US Shares FedEx Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GE US Shares General Electric Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GM US Shares General Motors Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GOOGL US Shares Alphabet Inc Class A USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GS US Shares Goldman Sachs Group USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#HD US Shares Home Depot Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#HOG US Shares Harley-Davidson Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#IBM US Shares International Businesss Machines USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#INTC US Shares Intel Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#JD US Shares JD.Com Inc Adr USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#JNJ US Shares Johnson & Johnson USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#JPM US Shares JPMorgan Chase & Co USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#KO US Shares Coca-Cola Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MCD US Shares McDonald's Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MGM US Shares MGM Resorts International USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MMM US Shares 3M Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MRK US Shares Merck & Company Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MSFT US Shares Microsoft Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#NFLX US Shares Netflix Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#NKE US Shares Nike Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ORCL US Shares Oracle Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#PFE US Shares Pfizer Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#PG US Shares Procter & Gamble Company USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#PYPL US Shares PayPal Holdings Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SBUX US Shares Starbucks Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SHOP US Shares Shopify Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SPLK US Shares Splunk Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SQ US Shares Square Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TIF US Shares Tiffany & Co USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TSLA US Shares Tesla Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TTD US Shares Trade Desk Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TWLO US Shares Twilio Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TWTR US Shares Twitter Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#UNH US Shares UnitedHealth Group Incorporated USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#UTX US Shares United Technologies Corporation USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#V US Shares Visa Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#VOD US Shares Vodafone Group PLC ADR USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#VZ US Shares Verizon Communications Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#WMT US Shares Walmart Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#XOM US Shares Exxon Mobil Corp USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ZEN US Shares Zendesk Inc USD 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AIRF EU Shares Air France KLM EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BNPP EU Shares BNP Paribas EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#PEUP EU Shares Peugeot EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SOGN EU Shares Societe Generale EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ADSGn EU Shares Adidas Salomon EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ALVG EU Shares Allianz EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BMWG EU Shares Bayerische Motoren Werke EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BOSSn EU Shares Hugo Boss AG EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CBKG EU Shares Commerzbank EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CONG EU Shares Continental EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DAIGn EU Shares Daimler EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DBKGn EU Shares Deutsche Bank EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#FMEG EU Shares Fresenius Medical EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
Care AG & Co KGaA 5%
#LING EU Shares Linde EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#PSHG_p EU Shares Porsche Automobil Holding EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SIEGn EU Shares Siemens EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#UHR EU Shares Swatch Group EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#VOWG EU Shares Volkswagen EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#WDIG EU Shares Wirecard EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ISPA EU Shares ArcelorMittal EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#RDSa EU Shares Royal Dutch Shell EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#UNc EU Shares Unilver EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BBVA EU Shares Banco Bilbao EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
Viscaya Argentaria 5%
#SAN EU Shares Banco Santander EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#FER EU Shares Ferrovial EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TEF EU Shares Telefonica EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#CSGN EU Shares Credit Suisse Group EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#NESN EU Shares Nestle EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#UBSG EU Shares UBS Group EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ZURN EU Shares Zurich Insurance Group EUR 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#888 UK Shares 888 Holdings GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AAAA UK Shares AA Plc GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AAL UK Shares Anglo American PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#AV UK Shares Aviva PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BAES UK Shares BAE Systems PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BARC UK Shares Barclays PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BATS UK Shares British American Tobacco PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BP UK Shares BP PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#BT UK Shares BT Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DEB UK Shares Debenhams PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#DLGD UK Shares Direct Line Insurance Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#EZJ UK Shares EasyJet PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GFS UK Shares G4S PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#GSK UK Shares GlaxoSmithKline PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#HSBA UK Shares HSBC Holdings PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#ITV UK Shares ITV PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#JDW UK Shares J D Wetherspoon PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#LGEN UK Shares Legal & General Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#LLOY UK Shares Lloyds Banking Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#LSE UK Shares London Stock Exchange Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MERL UK Shares Merlin Entertainments PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#MKS UK Shares Marks and Spencer Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#NXT UK Shares Next PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#RBS UK Shares Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#RIO UK Shares Rio Tinto PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#RMG UK Shares Royal Mail PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#RR UK Shares Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SBRY UK Shares J Sainsbury PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SDR UK Shares Schroders PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#SMWH UK Shares WH Smith PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TATE UK Shares Tate & Lyle PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TCG UK Shares Thomas Cook Group PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TPK UK Shares Travis Perkins PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%
#TSCO UK Shares Tesco PLC GBP 100 2 0.01 20 20 5%